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Lego you're doubt. 

Our doubt can serve a purpose in our life of faith

Get a Lift

When we are lifted up, we get the healing we need

Kairos and Chronos

we wait expectantly for those Kairos moments in our lives

Prayers for Guatemala

We support ILAG's ministries in responding to disasters and being the hands of Christ among people on the margins of Guatemalan society.

Community and Encouragement

How has our community encouraged you and how might you be a part of encouraging others? How can we better join and harmonize our efforts?

Love Songs

God continues to sing love songs to God’s people to remind us of the never-ending love we find in God

Work Out Your Own Salvation

Reflect on how the freedom to explore, question, and learn is a crucial aspect of intellectual and spiritual growth

Jonah and Casting

Our task is the same as Jonah's task: discern what God is calling us to do.

Letters and Hope

In a letter to the church in Rome, Paul writes, “We do not live to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. If we live, we live to the...

Guatemala and God’s Work

Sunday, we will hear all about our recent journey to Guatemala and celebrate our partnership with the Iglesia Luterana Agustina de...

Blog: Blog2
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